Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Non Sequitur FTW!

This guy's IMed me several times during the past year, though it stalls out every time after the initial pleasantries.

Him: what r u up to?
Me: not much. reading a book.
Him: what s the name?
Me: anna karenina
Him: u speak arabic

Er, what?

I checked his profile. According to it, he speaks English and French. Perhaps he's thinking of that other Leo Tolstoy--the one who was based in Iran...you know. He wrote that really awesome book, War and Not a Lot of Peace.

Then again, his follow up to asking if I speak Arabic was to ask if I was single which I think is a little weird considering it's a dating website and my profile says I'm single.

Him: your smile melted me

And on that note, I'm going to take this little pile of red flags and run away screaming into the night.


  1. Lol, I wonder what he wants you to speak Arabic for.

  2. Oh, well, crap. I've got people from Fark actually clicking on the link in my profile. HA.

  3. You have a fan! (A)ccept, (R)eject, (I)gnore.

  4. I think I shall set up my makeshift home here in this thread. I'll just be taking up a small corner of it. I don't think anybody will mind too much, there's only been one other poster so far.

    Hi Amadei! How was your weekend?

  5. She's too busy for this thread *pout*

  6. I remember before Amadei was popular. She spent time around the little people and we had some great times. Each day was special and every sperm was sacred.

    Not so much now. Now she jets around the world in her own private jet. We all patiently await the day she will return to us once again.

  7. If I was a Tamagotchi, would you look after me or let me die?

  8. I would probably let you die, considering I'm bad at taking care of electronic things. :P

  9. How about if I was a plant in a pot. Would you keep me in good health?

  10. Considering all of my houseplants die, too, prooobably not.

  11. There's a lot of death around you. Were you the lady in Night Watch?

  12. No, but +1 to you for the reference. :D

  13. Neat. I just need another 1 and I can make a window!

    It's like Minecraft or something.

  14. This thread is like a time flux now. Your past and my present. I wonder how I will be transcribed by the victor.

  15. Is it still romantic to pine for unrequited love, or is it weak, needy, and/or creepy?

    Just wondering. Don't judge!
